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Top Rated Sewer & Drain Company in New Rochelle NY

24 Hour Emergency Service

Se Habla Espanol 

"The name to know when the water won't go"

(914) 417-0217

Affordable   •   Professional   •   Fully Insured

Residential and Commercial

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​Our expert Emergency Maintenance team is available  24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to attend to your problems promptly and competently!

Serving New Rochelle, NY 

Did You Know?

Even though you may not be having a problem you can see, you do have issues developing in your pipes. Over time, residue from your kitchen and bathroom waste builds up on the sides of your sewer lines, constricting water flows. Eventually, this can lead to an emergency that can cause water damage to other items you own. By following a regular maintenance schedule you can greatly reduce the possibility of having an unpleasant 'event' in your home or business.

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Do you hear rattling or banging when you run a faucet or use the toilet? Don't ignore these sounds, they can be indicative of a larger problem forming inside your pipes. Why wait until you have a flood before calling for service? Let us come in and perform a video inspection. Maybe its not a big deal, but maybe there is an emergency situation just around the corner. We can tell the difference.

When using water in one area do you see anything happening in another area? When you flush the upstairs toilet does the downstairs toilet bubble or have a rise in water level? You may have a significant blockage that is about to be a major problem. 

You get regular physical exams, you go to the dentist for check ups, you get your oil changed...why not give the same consideration to the pluming lines in your home or business?

Commercial drain cleaners can work very well if used sparingly. But, over time, those chemicals can eat away at non-plastic sewer lines, leading to major problems. We can inspect and clean your lines properly and identify potential problems before they cost thousands of dollars to fix.

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Video Inspection
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Sometimes, its good to know what is going on "down there." It does not have to be a mystery. We can send a camera down to the problem area to see exactly what the problem is. We will leave you with your recording on a memory stick so you can show your plumber, your friends, or just to have something to watch on a Saturday night when there is just nothing on cable!

Sewer & Drain Cleaning
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You are probably here because you are having an issue. Our pros will come in, diagnose the situation and recommend a fix. Sometimes its a quick clearing of a sink drain. Sometimes it's a blockage of the sewer line. Whatever it is, we have the tools to find it, and fix it. We also partner with local plumbers in case additional work is needed.

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Many times, the 'snake' can clear out whatever is causing your issues. There are times though, when the clog is caused by years of build up, essentially making your pipes narrower. That's when its time to call in the Hydro Jet to blast out years of build up that could be root cause of your issues.

Maintenance Plans

Even when things are working fine, there can be problems quietly forming in places you can't see. We can design an affordable custom maintenance program to keep issues to a minimum. No one wants the terrible surprise of a flood in their home or business, let our maintenance team help you avoid future problems. Replacing a sewer line can cost tens of thousands of dollars, maintenance plans will generally be measured in hundreds of dollars.  Call us today and schedule a video inspection and custom maintenance plan.

BioEnzyme Treatments

BioEnzyme treatment is a monthly treatment designed to help keep problem drains clear. We introduce a BioEnzyme into the drain system that will clean pipes and drain systems beyond what a snake can achieve. It is non toxic and does not harm pipes, drain systems, or septic systems. Its particularly geared towards home and commercial kitchen lines where cooking grease and other proteins may be present in the drain lines.

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Commercial Services

Max Flo Sewer and Drain partners with many area building complexes and management companies to provide fast and professional sewer and drain service and maintenance in an efficient and cost-effective manner.


Contact us TODAY for all your Sewer & Drain Cleaning & Maintenance needs!

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